For over a decade, we’ve helped United Way of King Country feed kids and families, put money in pockets and do lots of other things to help make the world a kinder place. We’re proud to be a part of that.

We gave kids Breakfast Brain. That’s a good thing.

When kids come to school hungry, that can affect learning and behavior. We created this campaign to help UWKC institute Breakfast After the Bell, a program that makes breakfast an inclusive part of the school day for every student. When kids eat better, they learn better. They become Breakfast Brains.

5,000,000 Free Summer Meals served (and counting)

When the school year ends, families that receive free or reduced-price meals are left with a big monthly food expense. UWKC and partners fill some of that gap with free meals at schools, parks and community centers.

Maximizing tax returns for people who need it most

Billionaires don’t need tax credits. You know who does? People without billions. We (and our waving hand icon) have worked with UWKC’s tax team to help hundreds of thousands of people get every penny they deserve back.



